VEX Robotics COVID Resources

Very soon, our schools and classrooms are going to look and feel different. This is a time of unease for many, and we know that you are doing what you can to make the best of this unique and unprecedented situation for your students, your school, and yourselves.

At the core of the VEX Community is a drive to create high quality STEM learning products and curricula that engage students to be 21st century learners and passionate problem solvers, and that values creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. That has not changed.
We, like you, still have the same desire to get students excited about STEM learning, no matter the situation - and as such, have created a number of COVID related teacher resources to help you step by step, to make that happen.
Keeping it Clean
Creating Curriculum
How to Hybrid
Pacing Guides and Lesson Plans to Guide a Hybrid Classroom
Keep on,
Keeping on
Updates to the VEX Knowledge Base
Learning Together
Free, Online Professional Development for Educators
This upcoming school year is filled with questions for all of us, but we hope to provide you, our VEX Community, with some helpful answers to some of them. Whether you are teaching in your classroom, or from your dining room table this fall, one thing remains unchanged, your commitment to teaching, and your desire to make STEM learning come alive for your students. It is this shared passion that drives us all, and together, we at VEX, know that you can do this - and we will be with you every step of the way.
COVID Teaching Resources for Educators
Watch as Jason McKenna provides you with the latest teaching tips, VEX resources, and best practices for cleaning and sanitizing your VEX products.