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Extension Cables

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Works with products and accessories.

Use these extension cables to extend the length of your motor, sensors, and other electronics wires.

Other Cables
Grouped product items
Product Name SKU Qty
4-Wire Extension Cable 12" (4-pack) 4-Wire Extension Cable 12" (4-pack)
F-F 3-Wire Adapter Cable 12" (4-pack) F-F 3-Wire Adapter Cable 12" (4-pack)
Serial Y-Cable Serial Y-Cable
Driver Cable for an SMC Solenoid (2-pack) Driver Cable for an SMC Solenoid (2-pack)
3-wire Extension Cables
Grouped product items
Product Name SKU Qty
3-Wire Extension Cables (Small Bundle) 3-Wire Extension Cables (Small Bundle)
3-Wire Extension Cables (Large Bundle) 3-Wire Extension Cables (Large Bundle)


Out of stock
3-Wire Extension Cable 6" (4-pack) 3-Wire Extension Cable 6" (4-pack)
3-Wire Extension Cable 12" (4-pack) 3-Wire Extension Cable 12" (4-pack)
3-Wire Extension Cable 36" (4-pack) 3-Wire Extension Cable 36" (4-pack)
3-Wire "Y"-Cable 6" (2-pack) 3-Wire "Y"-Cable 6" (2-pack)
2-wire Extension Cables
Grouped product items
Product Name SKU Qty
2-Wire Extension Cable Bundle 2-Wire Extension Cable Bundle
2-Wire Extension Cable 6" (4-pack) 2-Wire Extension Cable 6" (4-pack)
2-Wire Extension Cable 12" (4-pack) 2-Wire Extension Cable 12" (4-pack)
2-Wire Extension Cable 24" (4-pack) 2-Wire Extension Cable 24" (4-pack)
2-Wire Extension Cable 36" (4-pack) 2-Wire Extension Cable 36" (4-pack)

Extension cables are used to extend the length of a 2-wire cable such that a motor or motor controller can be farther from a VEX ARM® Cortex®-based Microcontroller.

2-Wire Extension Cables are available in lengths of 6, 12, 24 or 36 inches. 4-packs are available for each size.

The 2-Wire Extension Cable Bundle includes:

  • (2) 6" cables
  • (2) 12" cables
  • (1) 24" cable
  • (1) 36" cable

Extension cables are used to extend the length of a 3-wire cable such that a motor or motor controller can be farther from a VEX ARM® Cortex®-based Microcontroller 3-wire application.

3-Wire Extension Cables are available in lengths of 6, 12, 24 or 36 inches. 4-packs are available for each size. There is also a 3-Wire "Y" Cable available in a length of 6". "Y"-cables allow 2 motors or servos to be driven by a single output.

The 3-Wire Extension Cable Small Bundle includes:

  • (1) 6" cables
  • (1) 12" cable
  • (1) 6" Y-cable

The 3-Wire Extension Cable Large Bundle includes:

  • (2) 6" cables
  • (2) 12" cables
  • (1) 24" cable
  • (1) 36" cable
  • (2) 6" Y-cable

Use these 4-Wire Extension Cables to connect VEX I2C Devices with the VEX ARM® Cortex®-based Microcontroller or to each other.

These 12" long 3-wire cables have female connectors on both ends. Use them for interfacing VEX components with other non-VEX systems.

Use this Serial Y-Cable to connect the VEX LCD Display to the VEX ARM® Cortex®-based Microcontroller.

  • 4-pin end connects to UART port on the VEX ARM® Cortex®-based Microcontroller.
  • 3-pin ends connect to VEX LCD Display.

4-Wire Extension Cables (276-1949)

  • (4) 4-Wire Extension Cable 12"

F-F Adapter (276-2395)

  • (4) F-F 3-Wire Adapter

Serial Y-Cable (276-1579)

  • (1) Serial Y-Cable

2-Wire Extension Cables

  • 2-wire Cable 6": 0.004 lbs (1.81 grams)
  • 2-wire Cable 12": 0.008 lbs (3.63 grams)
  • 2-wire Cable 24": 0.014 lbs (6.35 grams)
  • 2-wire Cable 36": 0.020 lbs (9.07 grams)

3-Wire Extension Cables

  • 3-wire Cable 6": 0.005 lbs (2.27 grams)
  • 3-wire Cable 12": 0.009lbs (4.08 grams)
  • 3-wire Cable 24": 0.016lbs (7.26 grams)
  • 3-wire Cable 36": 0.024lbs (10.9 grams)
  • 3-wire Y-Cable 6": 0.008 lbs (3.63 grams)

F-F Adapter

  • F-F 3-Wire Adapter Cable 12": 0.006 lbs (0.101 oz)

All listed weights are actual weights of one item (no packaging)

2-Wire Extension Cables

  • Compatible with 2-Wire Motor 269 or 393, and Motor Controller 29

3-Wire Extension Cables

  • Extension cables compatible with Motors, Servos, and all 3-wire sensors
  • 3-Wire Extension Cables are NOT compatible with VEXplorer


  • Compatible with Motors and Servos
  • Not compatible with sensors
  • Only connect one Y-cable to a motor output, allowing two motors or servos
  • Do NOT daisy chain multiple Y-cables to one port

4-Wire Extension Cables

  • Compatible with VEX ARM® Cortex®-based Microcontroller I2C ports, and VEX Integrated Encoder Modules

Serial Y-Cable

  • Compatible with VEX ARM® Cortex®-based Microcontroller and VEX LCD Display