Works on iPad, Android Tablets, Amazon Fire, Chromebook, Windows and Mac.

Expanding the VEXcode VR Universe

Teach and learn coding with Virtual Robots (VR). VEXcode VR brings real world STEM concepts to life making coding immersive, accessible and fun. Start with Blocks and progress to Python. Our patented Switch coding makes the Blocks to Text transition easy.


  • Grades 3+
  • No student accounts & no installation required
  • Start with Blocks, then use Switch to easily transition to Python coding
  • Student learning submissions make collecting code, progress and activity easy
  • Professional Development Plus for Computer Science Educators
  • Every license includes access for all the educators' students, both in school and at home

VEXcode VR is the version you have been using all along. VEXcode VR Enhanced has improved the graphics and resource access, making it more engaging and accessible. With VEXcode VR Premium you can teach Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Self Driving Vehicles and bring competitions to the CS classroom.

VEXcode VR Free VEXcode VR Enhanced VEXcode VR Premium
Price Free $199/educator per year $499/educator per year
Languages Blocks Blocks, Python (Browser) Blocks, Switch, Python (Browser)
Playgrounds 15 with basic graphics
See the Playgrounds >
18+ with engaging graphics
See the Playgrounds >
20+ with engaging graphics + AI and Data Science
See the Playgrounds >
Competitions     Playgrounds simulating VEX Competitions (GO, IQ, V5)
PD+ Educator Certifications Educator Certifications VEX PD+ Certifications, Community, Video Library, and 1-on-1 Sessions
Curriculum & Activities Yes Yes Yes
Resources Online Online and Integrated Online and Integrated
Learning Submission   Yes Yes
Offline version   Yes Yes
Support VEX Forum VEX Forum, Email VEX Forum, Email, Online Chat, PD+ Community

Easy to Get Started. And Free.

VEXcode focuses on coding with a pre-built VEX robot. Great in school and out of school.

Easy to get started

VR stands for Virtual Robot

Code a real VEX robot with a drivetrain, object pickup, sensors, GPS and a pen.

VR Stands for Virtual Robot

VEXcode VR

Learning and fun meet. The 3D worlds bring variety to your coding activities.



Wall Maze

Wall Maze

Castle Crasher

Castle Crasher

Art Canvas

Art Canvas

Coral Reef Cleanup

Coral Reef Cleanup

Disk Maze

Disk Maze

Disk Mover

Disk Mover

Disk Transport

Disk Transport

Dynamic Castle Crasher

Dynamic Castle Crasher

Encoded Message

Encoded Message

Hidden Pixel Art

Hidden Pixel Art

Line Detector

Line Detector

Number Grid Map

Number Grid Map

Shape Tracer

Shape Tracer

Dynamic Wall Maze

Dynamic Wall Maze

VEXcode VR Enhanced

Enhanced graphics for increased student engagement.

Art Canvas +

Art Canvas Plus

Castle Crasher +

Castle Crasher Plus

Wall Maze +

Wall Maze Plus

Previews coming soon for:

Disk Mover +
Line Detector +
Encoded Message +
Number Grid +
Hidden Pixel Art +
Shape Tracer +

VEXcode VR Premium

Advanced capabilities like Artificial Intelligence, advanced and immersive worlds to code in, and more.

Coding with Switch Blocks

Coding with Switch Blocks

Rover Rescue with AI

Rover Rescue with AI

VIQC Virtual Skills

VIQC Virtual Skills

VRC Virtual Skills

VRC Virtual Skills

VEX 123 STEM Labs


VEX GO Competition